It's not that long ago, only 1981.
How many of these celebrities can you name?
(answer at the bottom of this page)
Sindur Khela 1981
(standing back row from left: Sujoya De, Kathy Ghosh, Sudipta Gupta, Irani Mukherjee, Swapna Banerjee, Ranjana Banerjee, Shanti Das, Kabita Patra, Mitra Chackravorty, Nupur De. Front row: standing ?, Nanda Mukherjee, Suraj ?, Bubai ?, Mitra Roy, Mithu Sengupta, Sumitra Bhattacharyay, Kabita Dutta, Sukla Ghosh-Thakur, Kalpana Ghosh, Mala Mitra.)