B_lo.jpg (6928 bytes)eauty  Tips -- from Nita

moisturizer| hair coloring

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When you are between 40 & 50:
moisturize your skin often and cleanse your skin with mild soap. Once a week try some mini-facials to plump up your skin. You are feeding your skin and it will look better. Stop using toners and astringents.

When you are 50+:
Use mild soap with moisturizers. Your regular moisturizing cream should be with emollients. Buy moisturizers in small sizes till you find the one just right for your skin. Do not use any kind of cleansing grains unless you have whiteheads or blackheads. Your foundation should be oil-based not water-based.


hair_color.jpg (14328 bytes) When you are coloring your hair you are depositing. Indian hair color are mostly Black. As you grow older, if you use black color on black, the hair looks too obvious, too straw-like finish and too dull. Try to use one degree lighter!

For more information call Nita 216-901-1400

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Last updated: 05/17/02
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